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Flexible Counseling & Coaching Sessions

Rigid one-hour sessions don’t always provide the attention and care needed for your difficult life challenges. That’s why I provide alternatives.

Counseling Sessions Without Time Limits

I offer my clients hourly counseling and coaching sessions with completely flexible time limits. We set a fixed starting time, but the duration of the sessions can be flexible.

Through my over 20 years of experience as a counselor and coach, I have found that rigid, 1-hour sessions alone are often ineffective for people seeking counseling and coaching.

In contrast, I have found that giving my clients control over the duration of our meetings improves their experience and their progress towards their counseling goals. It gives them the freedom they need to feel that they can talk about their feelings and address their challenges at their own pace and in their own natural rhythm.

How Flexible Sessions Work

Typically, my clients decide on the duration of our session when we schedule it. The duration can be any they choose, from an hour to a couple of hours or half a day or more. As we continue our work together, I encourage people to experiment with different session durations until they gain a feel for what works best for them.

I leave extra time between appointments for each of my clients so that, if they feel that it would be helpful for them, they have the option to continue our session beyond the scheduled time. This is most beneficial when a session happens to be especially productive and the client wants to continue building on the momentum of our work.

Your Free 15-Minute Session

I offer you a free 15-minute session with me to get started. I’ve found this to be a good way to break the ice and give you an opportunity to get a sense of my approach and the results that it can provide for you.

Your free session comes with no commitment or obligation on your part to continue our work together. I often conduct the initial session on the phone or through Skype because my clients come to me from all over the world, including the U.S., Canada and overseas.

You are also welcome to contact me with any general questions you may have about me or my practice.

About David Stringham

I have over 20 years of experience as a counselor and coach and specialize in teaching mindfulness practice to my clients.

If you’re interested to learn more about me, my education or the benefits of mindfulness, click the button below.

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